Dr. Katharina Schmid, admitted to the bar since 2005
Since 2007 Attorney at Law / Owner - schmid-ip
2016 - Since 1 May 2016 in cooperation with monlaw Attorneys at Law
2007 - 2016 Attorney at law in cooperation with Höhne, In der Maur & Partner, RAe
2005 - 2007 Attorney at law at Lovells (now Hogan Lovells), Alicante (Spain)
2005 Admitted to the Austrian Bar
2003 - 2004 Associate at Fiebinger, Polak, Leon & Partner, attorneys at law, Vienna
2000 - 2003 Associate at Griss & Partner, attorneys at law, Graz
German (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), French (good understanding)
Publications and Lectures
Updated 2021/2022: Co-Author of Wiebe/Kodek (Editors), Legal Commentary on
the Austrian Unfair Competition Law Act, 2nd Edition, Editorial MANZ (2009-2022), author of § 9 (2024) (Rights in Unregistered Signs - "Kennzeichenverletzungen"),
§ 25 (2021) (Publication of Verdicts) and § 21 (2024)
(up to 2012 also commentary on § 1 -Breach of Law - "Rechtsbruch").
Regular contributions to the Kluwer Trademark Blog www.kluwertrademarkblog.com (since 12/2015)
Regular reviews of case law and annotations to decisions
Schmid in Schenk/Lovrek/Musger/Neumayr, Festschrift für Irmgard Griss (2011) 569, "Kennzeichenbenutzung nach »Céline« – doch keine Einheit der marken- und firmenmäßigen Benutzung?"
Lecturing at seminars and conferences on trademark and IP related topics (see Publications and Lectures.pdf)